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Understanding kickbacks and why they’re illegal

Sometimes people do business in ways that may seem normal or at least harmless but that actually violate the law. In other cases, people take positions where their predecessors engaged in these illegal actions, and the same is expected of them. One of these illegal…

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National Rifle Association faces fraud charge while in bankruptcy

If you’ve been following the news, you may have seen that the National Rifle Association is facing fraud charges. The lawsuit against the NRA is seeking to dissolve the organization if it is found to be true. The NRA immediately requested that the lawsuit be…

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Domino’s case thrown out by New York Supreme Court

If you’re facing fraud charges, it’s very important to take steps to defend yourself. Those charges could lead to serious penalties, time in prison, high fines and more. A good defense can make a difference and may result in your case being dismissed. For example,…

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What Kinds Of Drug Charges Can Prosecutors Level Against You?

Most people are aware that the distribution, manufacturing or trafficking of drugs is illegal. So too, however, are many other actions that could be associated with drug activity — and the seriousness of some of the charges may surprise you. What are the different types…

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Former Airport Workers Stole $6 Million In Luxury Goods

Three former workers at JFK Airport were arrested for using inside knowledge to steal $6 million in Chanel, Gucci and Prada shipments. In addition to the three airport workers, three others were also indicted for their role in stealing and reselling everything from luxury shoes…

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How Often Do Federal Criminal Defendants Get Convicted?

The U.S. Attorney’s Office generally must first present a case in front of a grand jury and secure an indictment before moving forward in filing federal criminal charges against a defendant. One of the reasons they have this system in place is so prosecutors can…

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Gun Crimes Rise In New York City Despite Anti-violence Tactics

Violent offenses have to be taken seriously because New York’s laws are strict. You may have heard that shootings in New York City have increased despite the fact that other serious crime arrests have fallen, and that’s something that you should pay attention to. Officers…

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Why Do People Make False Confessions?

You hear about cases fairly frequently where someone insists that they are innocent, they get convicted anyway, and then that conviction gets overturned by DNA evidence. It’s clear that the person was right the whole time: They didn’t do it. There are other cases, however,…

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The Authorities Have To Follow The Law During An Investigation

During a prearrest investigation, there are steps that you will want to take to protect yourself. The police have to follow specific legal procedures when you’re arrested and taken into custody. Failing to do so, you could have a case against them or reason to…

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