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New York Bail Reform And The Presumption Of Innocence

If you’re ever charged with a crime, the law supposes that you’re innocent until proven guilty. There’s no second standard for innocence or guilt that’s written into the law and based on your race or wealth. But that second, unwritten standard has long wormed its…

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What Can You Do When You’re The Subject Of An Investigation?

For some people, the discovery that they are suspected of potential criminal activity occurs when law enforcement officers arrive at their home or place of business to arrest them. Other people find out about a pending investigation long before the police have any actionable evidence.…

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When Will A Homicide Rise To The Level Of First-Degree Murder?

There are many circumstances that can lead to a homicide. Some homicide crimes include manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. However, in New York, first-degree murder is the most serious homicide crime a person could be charged with. The elements of first-degree murder in New York…

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White Collar Crime In 2020: The Hot Topics

A few years ago, federal authorities seemed to be heavily investigating pharmacies, pain clinics and individual doctors for signs of Medicare fraud and assorted drug crimes. Now, the focus has shifted once again. Going into 2020 and beyond, you can generally expect prosecutorial efforts to…

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Gain An Advantage By Hiring From The Former Prosecution Pool

You’re heading to trial, and the prosecutor is likely busy building a case against you right now. You may be wishing you could see into their head as you form your game plan, and there might just be a way. Prosecutors close millions of cases…

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Attorney John Buza Named To Super Lawyers® Rising Stars List

We are pleased to announce that our founding attorney, John Buza, has been selected for inclusion in this year’s list of Super Lawyers® Rising Stars. Backed by nearly a decade of legal experience and countless case successes, John’s career has been filled with professional accomplishments…

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Proving Possession In Criminal Cases

As a NYC criminal defense attorney, I frequently am tasked with representing individuals who are accused of possessing something that is illegal. Whether the contraband in question is an unlicensed firearm or a controlled substance or narcotic, the penalties for being convicted of possessing the…

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Should I Testify In The Grand Jury? Part Three

This is the third part of a multi-part blog post about how the Grand Jury in New York works and whether a defendant should testify in it. As mentioned before, this blogpost is written for laypeople to understand and deliberately avoids legalese or other jargon.…

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Should I Testify In The Grand Jury? Part Two

This is the second part of a multi-part blog post about how the Grand Jury in New York works and whether a defendant should testify in the Grand Jury. This is written for laypeople to understand and deliberately avoids legalese jargon to make it easier…

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