Airport Gun Lawyer

John F. Kennedy International And LaGuardia Airport Gun Cases

Possession of a firearm at a New York airport is taken very seriously in New York, even you are legally permitted to own it. What you have to keep in mind is that airport security after 9/11 is still on high alert, particularly in New York City. You will find yourself embroiled in a very politically charged situation when bringing a firearm to the city.

At Konta Georges & Buza P.C. our award-winning criminal defense team can help you if you have been charged with bringing a gun to John F. Kennedy International (JFK) or LaGuardia (LGA) airports. Whether you are visiting the area or are a New York resident, we are ready to represent you and vigorously defend your case. Our partners share decades of courtroom experience that they will swiftly put to work for you.

If you have been charged with illegal firearm possession at an airport, start defending your rights today. Call the Konta Georges & Buza P.C. at 212-710-5166.

What’s Legal In Other States May Be Illegal In New York

If you are in need of a firearm possession attorney, chances are you did not realize you were doing anything wrong when you brought your gun to the airport. Even if a firearm is registered in your name and you have a valid permit issued by the home state that gives you the legal right to carry your firearm, you could still be facing charges for bringing it to New York.

According to the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, it is up to the individual states to determine what, specifically, is illegal and what the appropriate punishments are. This is why New York has the legal right to make its gun laws as strict as they are.

Firearm Possession Penalties In New York

In New York, possessing a loaded and operable firearm outside of your home or place of business is codified in New York State Penal Law Section 265.03 and is a class C violent felony. This means there is a three-and-a-half-year mandatory minimum prison sentence for a first-time offender. This is applicable to everyone, irrespective of from where they come. It does not matter if you are licensed or even if you complied with the TSA firearm guide.

There is a heavy stigma attached to possessing a firearm in New York. At Konta Georges & Buza P.C. our team will make sure that your version of events is heard so that your case is seen in the best possible light. Being unaware of New York firearm law does not make you a criminal, and you should not be treated as one.

Connect With Us Today

Our lawyers aggressively fight to protect clients from unjust treatment. Contact the firm today or call 212-710-5166. In emergencies, the office is available 24/7.


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