Study Shows Teen Motorists Prone To Texting, Speeding

Feb 01 2023

It takes time and practice to be able to drive safely on New York’s roadways, and many teenage drivers have limited experience behind the wheel. While this, alone, raises accident risks for everyone they encounter, many teenagers also admit to engaging in dangerous driving behaviors that raise the risk of a crash even more.

According to U.S. News and World Reports, the study used an app to track the driving habits of 165 teen motorists who had reached an average age of 17. Most of the drivers surveyed had had their driver’s licenses for about eight months at the time the study took place.

How often teens are taking dangerous risks while driving

Study results showed that many teenage drivers speed and text while behind the wheel – and, in some cases, they do both things at the same time. While the teens surveyed reported using handheld cellphones during about 30% of their outings, they also admitted to speeding during 40% of the trips they took in cars. In about 5% of trips taken by the groups surveyed, both texting and speeding took place.

How often boys and girls engage in dangerous driving behaviors

Per the study, male and female teen motorists engage in texting and speeding at similar rates. However, male teenagers reported engaging in other risky behaviors, including slamming on their brakes or accelerating rapidly, about a tenth of the time.

Safety advocates contend that the key to stopping bad driving habits among teenagers lies in education and enforcement. Parents, too, play an important role in shaping their teenagers’ behind-the-wheel behaviors.

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