White-collar crime can have widespread effects on your life including your personal relationships and your professional reputation. Depending on your level of involvement, your career may never be the same.
You might desire to return to the workforce after satisfying any legal repercussions. Although your career may look different than before, your perseverance might help you overcome some hurdles so you can secure another job.
Most white-collar crimes begin innocently and with no real intention to do something illegal. However, as the FBI reports, these white-collar crimes are not victimless and often destroy the lives of unsuspecting victims. If you participated in criminal behavior, now is a good time to take a step back and assess your actions. What could you have done differently to prevent this outcome? Are there steps you can take to lower your risks in the future?
Find creative ways to describe your experience from the perspective of lessons learned. Sharing your story in this manner will benefit you when you interview for other jobs and face questions about your past.
Shooting for the stars as soon as you begin applying for jobs may not turn out successful. Acknowledge the changes to your reputation and credibility and keep a realistic perspective. Start modestly with your job search. Do things that will improve your reputation and help people see the good in you. Volunteer in your community. Share your skills and time.
Even though you may lack the eligibility to apply for bigger jobs at the moment, your diligence might shift the odds in your favor over time. White-collar crime does not have to prevent you from ever finding success again.
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