Fraud is a serious allegation with potentially far-reaching consequences. Getting charged with this crime is something to be cautious of and to talk to an attorney about as soon as you can. That’s because federal fraud charges almost inevitably come with penalties including jail time and high fines.
If you’re accused of fraud, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself. Being accused could lead to your arrest, and at that point, you’ll want an attorney on your side.
Take, for example, this case involving an Army National Guard soldier. According to the news report, that man, 34, is accused of falsifying signatures and paperwork in a work fraud scheme.
The member of the Army National Guard in Connecticut was in El Paso when he was arrested on charges out of Manhattan for federal wire fraud and identity theft. The man, who is from New York, was taken into custody to be held until extradition.
He’s accused of defrauding the Department of Veterans Affairs as well as the New York City Department of Corrections by allegedly falsifying memos for paid leave for military service that he had not completed. He also reportedly faxed over falsified documents to the VA. Those documents claimed that he had worked hundreds of hours at the Department of Corrections. Officials there said that the hours were never worked at all.
The penalties for these accusations are severe if he’s convicted. He faces up to 20 years in prison for the wire fraud charge and up to two years for aggravated identity theft.
Those in similar situations may find that working closely with their criminal defense attorneys offer the best possible outcomes.
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