Personal Injury Case Results

Konta Georges & Buza P.C > Significant Case Results > Personal Injury Case Results

Personal Injury Case Results

  • A $3.2 million settlement against an upstate New York school district for negligence involving a high school teacher who sexually abused two female students where our investigative efforts revealed a third student who had complained about the teacher.
  • A $2 million settlement against the city of New York, the NYC Department of Education and others on behalf of a young boy who was sexually abused by a NYC school employee over a number of years and on many occasions.
  • A $650,000 settlement for our client who was badly burned over 49% of his body while trying to operate a stove in a Syracuse N.Y. halfway house. Our investigation revealed the stove was significantly defective in various ways and the owners of the halfway house knew it and ignored the dangerous conditions.
  • A $499,000 settlement against a well-known accounting firm after a partner at the firm stole money from a client that was intended for the payment of taxes resulting in our client’s taxes not being paid for several years.
  • A six-figure settlement against a Tribeca bicycle shop for negligently repairing a client’s bicycle causing an accident in which the client suffered serious elbow and hand injuries requiring surgery.
  • A successful six-figure settlement for our client who was seriously injured when he was forced to swerve his bicycle away from a cab that had erroneously allowed a passenger to exit on the street side of the vehicle.
  • A successful settlement following jury selection in Kings County for our client who fell and injured her knee requiring surgery on a sidewalk where Con Edison was doing repair work and failed to maintain a safe sidewalk cover.
  • A successful settlement for our client who was the passenger in a NYC taxi cab who sustained a broken wrist when another vehicle crashed into the cab.
  • A successful settlement for our client who was injured while walking on a Manhattan street where a restaurant negligently caused to open the access door to the basement in which our client fell causing serious injury.
  • A successful settlement for our client, a high school student, who suffered a broken leg at a gymnastics class in Nassau County where the studio was negligent in securing the exercise mats to the floor.
  • A successful settlement for our client who was injured while crossing the street in Manhattan when a vehicle negligently ran over her foot.
  • A successful settlement for our client who was injured when she was caused to slip and fall on wet flooring inside a Bronx hospital where she was visiting her husband.


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