Violent offenses carry strong penalties in the state of New York and can lead to suffering for all parties. As a result of many complicated factors, violent crimes increase and decrease over time.
When looking at New York City’s violent crimes in January 2022 and comparing them with crimes in January 2023 shows interesting trends.
According to information from the NYPD, several categories of serious crime saw an increase from the same month a year ago. Felonious assault, which involves the use of a dangerous weapon, increased by nearly 15% when comparing January 2022 data with January 2023 data. The NYPD reported 2056 cases of felonious assault in this period in 2023 and 1790 in this period in 2022.
Cases of robbery, the act of taking property from another person by force, rose to 1332 incidents in January 2023 from 1265 incidents in January of 2022. This represents a 5.3% increase. Burglary cases, which involve a person illegally breaking and entering a property to commit a crime, rose to 1298 incidents from 1211 incidents during this time frame, a 7.2% increase.
January 2023 saw one less murder than in January 2022, decreasing from 31 murders to 30 murders. Rapes also declined slightly, with 130 reported in January 2023 compared to 132 in the previous January. Grand larceny cases also saw a drop during this time period.
Individuals charged with a violent crime face serious penalties. A rigorous legal defense becomes necessary at this time.
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