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What Are Clandestine And Designer Drugs?

As the war in America continues to rage on against drugs and the epidemics related to narcotics, clandestine pulls and designer drugs, it is more important than ever to understand what these things are and what penalties tie to them. While some may believe that…

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Crashed Using A Rideshare App? Now What?

Their convenience, cost-effectiveness and other benefits have contributed to the ever-growing popularity of rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft. Despite the safety improvements these services have brought to traffic in the cities in which they operate, accidents still sometimes occur. When passengers suffer injuries…

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Suing The Police Just Became A Bit Easier

A New York man was living with his wife, newborn baby and sister-in-law. The sister-in-law had a history of mental illness, which was likely responsible for a 911 call she made. During the call, the sister-in-law claimed the man was abusing his child. Emergency medical…

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A New Era For Cryptocurrency?

Once considered obscure and something on the financial “fringes,” cryptocurrency has grown in prominence. The controversial monetary system has its supporters and detractors. Prominence has a price. U.S. President Joe Biden issued an executive order for government officials to analyze the risks versus the benefits…

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Spinal Cord Injury Costs

Spinal cord injuries involve a lot of action right after people sustain them. They result from serious accidents, commonly auto accidents and slips or falls. The first few days most likely involve a trip to the emergency room, immediate surgery and a long hospital stay.…

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How Do You Tell Mail And Wire Fraud Apart?

White collar crime exists as a separate entity from blue collar crime, primarily consisting of criminal activity that has to do with businesses, finances and other non-violent illegal activity. Both wire fraud and mail fraud fall under this category. Both also have extremely similar penalties,…

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Can You Keep Financial Aid After A Drug Conviction?

If you are a college student who is facing criminal charges for possessing or distributing a controlled substance, there are many reasons to mount an aggressive defense. After all, in addition to serious legal consequences, you may encounter academic discipline. You may even lose your…

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4 Essentials in Proving Slip and Fall Case

When the condition of someone else’s property is such that it results in you taking a serious fall, you may look to the property owner to help cover your medical and other fall-related expenses. To prove that someone else was at fault for your New…

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What is Insider Trading?

With all of the unspoken rules and written laws governing the market, it may feel overwhelming at best when you dive into buying, selling and trading. But there are some things you need to understand before diving in, or you risk facing legal repercussions. Insider…

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