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Study Shows Teen Motorists Prone To Texting, Speeding

It takes time and practice to be able to drive safely on New York’s roadways, and many teenage drivers have limited experience behind the wheel. While this, alone, raises accident risks for everyone they encounter, many teenagers also admit to engaging in dangerous driving behaviors…

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Penalties Associated With Federal Drug Trafficking Convictions

While a state-level drug conviction in New York may lead to serious penalties, the consequences typically become even more severe if you wind up receiving a conviction for trafficking drugs at the federal level. The penalties you might face, if convicted, tend to vary based…

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The Right To Self-defense In New York

When it comes to certain rights to self-defense, New York has some different requirements than the majority of states. Though discussions about changing this often occur, so far it remains the law in the state. A better understanding of state laws can help individuals stay…

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Does New York Have The Death Penalty?

New York does not have the death penalty. But its history with this form of punishment has been a roller coaster. The controversy over the death penalty began in the 1860s when the legislature accidentally outlawed it. They were trying to ban the practice of…

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Falls Cause More Than 95% Of Hip Fractures

When you suffer a hip fracture in New York, you may find that it interferes with most areas of your life. It is a serious injury that has the potential to make it difficult for you to work, earn a living or even get around,…

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Is Eyewitness Testimony Always Reliable?

When someone faces a criminal accusation, prosecutors may use eyewitness testimony to get a conviction. A common belief is that if someone saw something happen, it must be true. However, the reliability of eyewitness testimony is much more complicated than that. Understanding the impact of…

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Your Career After White-collar Crime

White-collar crime can have widespread effects on your life including your personal relationships and your professional reputation. Depending on your level of involvement, your career may never be the same. You might desire to return to the workforce after satisfying any legal repercussions. Although your…

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Understanding Your Right To Remain Silent

You may have heard of the Miranda warning in passing, given its popularity in media like shows and movies. Any time you have heard a police officer warn someone of their right to remain silent, this is part of the Miranda rights. But that is…

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Does Back Pain Affect Mental Health?

Back pain is one of the leading causes of people taking time off of work not only across the country, but across the globe. Despite this, many people underestimate the true impact of back pain. Not only does it seriously interfere with a person’s physical…

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