Category Archives: Federal Criminal Defense

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Your Career After White-collar Crime

White-collar crime can have widespread effects on your life including your personal relationships and your professional reputation. Depending on your level of involvement, your career may never be the same. You might desire to return to the workforce after satisfying any legal repercussions. Although your…

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Understanding Your Right To Remain Silent

You may have heard of the Miranda warning in passing, given its popularity in media like shows and movies. Any time you have heard a police officer warn someone of their right to remain silent, this is part of the Miranda rights. But that is…

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Why Is Insider Trading Bad?

Insider trading is something that people often speak of as a bad thing without actually explaining why. However, these claims are not without their reason. Why exactly is insider trading such a problem? How does it pose a potential threat to the entirety of the…

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What Are The Areas Of Negotiation For A Plea Bargain?

Plea bargains are exceedingly common in all criminal cases, including high-level federal ones. In fact, it is almost 100% certain that the prosecution will give you some form of plea bargain during your federal criminal trial. However, even though most people are familiar with the…

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A New Era For Cryptocurrency?

Once considered obscure and something on the financial “fringes,” cryptocurrency has grown in prominence. The controversial monetary system has its supporters and detractors. Prominence has a price. U.S. President Joe Biden issued an executive order for government officials to analyze the risks versus the benefits…

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How Do You Tell Mail And Wire Fraud Apart?

White collar crime exists as a separate entity from blue collar crime, primarily consisting of criminal activity that has to do with businesses, finances and other non-violent illegal activity. Both wire fraud and mail fraud fall under this category. Both also have extremely similar penalties,…

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What is Insider Trading?

With all of the unspoken rules and written laws governing the market, it may feel overwhelming at best when you dive into buying, selling and trading. But there are some things you need to understand before diving in, or you risk facing legal repercussions. Insider…

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3 Defenses Against Wire & Mail Fraud Charges

Wire and mail fraud charges are quite serious. A conviction could result in a lengthy prison sentence on top of hefty fines, which is why it is important to fight such charges. Furthermore, wire and mail fraud is considered a federal crime. It means that…

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What is racketeering and why is it a crime?

As you’re reading the news headlines, you may come across one or more that says someone is facing accusations of racketeering and wonder exactly what that means. The easiest way to understand this term is to look at what’s contained in the Racketeer Influenced and…

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